初中英语必考话题作文:传统文化 Caring for the Old


尊老、敬老、爱老、助老是中华民族的传统美德。如今,人口老龄化现象加剧,关爱老人刻不容缓。请根据以下提示写一篇关于”Caring for the Old”的短文,词数80—100字。

初中英语必考话题作文:传统文化 Caring for the Old





Caring for the Old

Nowadays, it’s common in our daily life that people don’t pay enough attention to the old. As a result, most old people live alone and feel lonely. What’s worse,they are weak and easy to fall sick.So we should do something to take care of them.

On the one hand, I think young people should respect the old. They must spend more time looking after old people. Children need to go back home often and chat with their parents.Besides, they should help old people do some housework.

On the other hand, it’s necessary for the government to improve old people’s lives. More old people’s homes and the elderly activity centers should be built so that the old can have fun and live a happy life.What’s more,the government ought to provide good medical care for them.

In short, all of us should care for the old and treat them patiently.
